Thursday, April 1, 2010

picking up pieces of me,

while theyre picking up pieces of you,
in a bag you will be before the day is over.

it would seem i have nothing to say.
one would assume that if anybody will end up reading this they will want too know a little about who is crapping on at them, so here you have it.

1. my name is rebeccaa claire kennedy, i will be 18 later this year.
(rather mundane, but also rather necessary i suppose)

2. im getting better. at everything.
i listen too others more now, i think before acting more often now, im taking care of myself better now,
im not an emotional wreck anymore, im not out to destroy myself and my surroundings anymore.

3. i hoard things. alot.
im getting better and learning that i just need too throw out entire bags without looking inside.

i suppose living in 7 houses in the past 18 months helped me realise i can manage without all my receipts and clothes-tags.

4. i need list. too survive.
im getting better and managing to get by on minimal lists. once i was at a point where i would have a stress-related breakdown if i didnt write up a list of the lists i needed to make for the next day. nowadays, my lists usually for homework schedules, necessary purchases and slightly more long term planning.

5. obviously i dont feel the need for capitals. i suppose its because i think this looks more aesthetically appealing and tidier without.
obviously i immensely enjoy punctuation.

6. i want to get married, have 3 children and be somekind of 1950's housewife.

7. im an extremely obsessive person. i collect things and display rather stalkerish habits.
these things include: animalprint, old-fashioned perfume bottles, japanese/harijuku fashion, the 1940's - hair, music, fashion, society.
a few girls whom i suppose you could actually say im stalking. (but really its not hard these days, peoples adresses, numbers, relationship-status's, interests and every second thought is on display. )

8. i suppose this one is just continuing my last thought there but;
i think its strange that somebody can write down their innermost thoughts, darkest secrets and display it under the guise of a mildly humourous detatched blog. but there you go.

9. i have veryvery few close friends. but i have a lot of people whose company i enjoy, secrets i keep.
im not lonely i doubt i would be in isolation.

10. my personality and moods change all the time. a slight disturbance in my everyday doings can cause this or even the people im around.
not because i put on a facade or try to be who those particualar people would like me too be, but it just happens. most the time i dont even notice the different voices i use, the change in my posture, how i proccess infomation and so on.
i dont know if the real / most natural me is the one around my family, my loverrr, my exceptionally close friends, strangers, just myself, everyone inbetween, but i have no problem with the person i become around any of these.

now you know all about me. look forward too other such stimuating insights in the near future.




well im rebeccaa and this is my first ever blogging experience.
this whole thing will be just so i can jot down my thoughts and such,
if somebody else reads / enjoys it once i get started then super :)
call me becc, rebeccaa if your close friend, milly if your family.
art, photography, film and literature takes up most the space in my brain
so expect that i guess.